Merienda Menonita

On "Merienda Menonita," Jonathan Minchala and Peter Wigginton share stories and discuss together with guests about living out the Christian calling in Latin America.

About the show

Spanish Description:
Merienda es otro nombre para una cena o té ligero en la noche, y generalmente es informal y, a menudo, una oportunidad para reunirse con amigos. En este mismo sentido, en Merienda Menonita, los/as anfitriones del programa compartirán historias y conversarán con invitados sobre cómo vivir el llamado cristiano en América Latina. Juntos/as exploran cómo seguir a Cristo en la vida cotidiana, y qué puede ofrecer el anabautismo a la iglesia latinoamericana de hoy. Merienda Menonita es un podcast producido en asociación con La Red Menonita de Misión y Anabaptist World, Inc. Nuevos episodios se lanzan cada mes en esta página. También puede encontrarnos y suscribirse en Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Fireside y RSS.

English Description:
Merienda is another name for a dinner, or light tea in the evening, and it is usually informal and often an opportunity to gather with friends. In that same mindset, on Merienda Menonita, hosts will share stories and discuss together with guests about living out the Christian calling in Latin America. Together, we will explore how to follow Christ in everyday life, and what does Anabaptism have to say to that Latin American church today. Merienda Menonita is a podcast produced in partnership between Mennonite Mission Network and Anabaptist World, Inc.


  • Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

    June 22nd, 2022  |  32 mins 50 secs

    We are starting a new series of episodes teaming up with folks from the Mennonite Coalition to help us learn about dismantling the doctrine of discovery. We start off this series with author and activist, Pueblo (Tewa) descendant, Sarah Augustine.

    Sarah Augustine, who is a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant, is founder and cochair of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition and Executive Director of a dispute resolution center in central Washington State. She is also the co-founder of Suriname Indigenous Health Fund (SIHF), where she has advocated for vulnerable Indigenous Peoples since 2004. She has represented the interests of Indigenous community partners to their own governments, the Inter-American development bank, the United Nations, the Organization of American States Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the World Health Organization, and a host of other international actors including corporate interests. She is a columnist for Anabaptist World, and co-hosts the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Podcast with Sheri Hostetler. In Washington State, where she lives, she serves in a leadership role on multiple boards and commissions to enable vulnerable peoples to speak for themselves in advocating for structural change. She and her husband, Dan Peplow, and their son live in the Yakima Valley of Washington. She is author of the book The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery(Herald Press 2021).

  • Episode 113: Desmantelando la Doctrina del Descubrimiento

    June 22nd, 2022  |  33 mins 40 secs

    Estamos comenzando una nueva serie de episodios en equipo con gente de la Coalición Menonita para ayudarnos a aprender a desmantelar la doctrina del descubrimiento. Comenzamos esta serie con la autora y activista, Pueblo (Tewa) descendiente, Sarah Augustine.

    Sarah Augustine, descendiente de Pueblo (Tewa), es fundadora y copresidenta de Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition y directora ejecutiva de un centro de resolución de disputas en el centro del estado de Washington. También es cofundadora del Fondo de Salud Indígena de Surinam (SIHF, por sus siglas en inglés), donde ha abogado por los pueblos indígenas vulnerables desde 2004. Ha representado los intereses de los socios de las comunidades indígenas ante sus propios gobiernos, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, los Estados Unidos, Naciones Unidas, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, la Organización Mundial de la Salud y una serie de otros actores internacionales, incluidos los intereses corporativos. Es columnista de Anabaptist World y coanfitriona del podcast Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery con Sheri Hostetler. En el estado de Washington, donde vive, desempeña un papel de liderazgo en múltiples juntas y comisiones para permitir que las personas vulnerables hablen por sí mismas para abogar por un cambio estructural. Ella y su esposo, Dan Peplow, y su hijo viven en el Valle de Yakima de Washington. Es autora del libro The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (Herald Press 2021).

  • Episode 112: Desarmado con Marshall King

    June 10th, 2022  |  27 mins 4 secs

    En este episodio, Marshall King ayuda a cerrar la serie centrándose en los conflictos armados y la guerra. Marshall comparte sobre el proceso de escritura del libro "Disarmed- The Radical Life and Legacy of Michael "Mj" Sharp" y también comparte algo sobre la vida y el legado de MJ y la recepción del libro. -

    MARSHALL V. KING es escritor y periodista residente en Goshen, Indiana.
    Durante más de veinte años trabajó en Elkhart Truth como reportero y eventualmente como editor gerente. Ha escrito para varias otras publicaciones y, a menudo, se ha centrado en la comida, escribiendo una columna popular para Dining A La King durante más de 20 años. Es el principal narrador de la Fundación Comunitaria del Condado de Elkhart y profesor adjunto de comunicación en Goshen College. Se graduó en 1992 de la Universidad Menonita del Este en Harrisonburg, Virginia. Él y su cónyuge son miembros de la Iglesia Assembly Mennonite en Goshen.

  • Disarmed with Marshall King

    June 10th, 2022  |  26 mins 30 secs

    In this episode Marshall King helps closeout the series focusing on armed conflict and war. Marshall shares about the process of writing the book “Disarmed- The Radical Life and Legacy of Michael "Mj” Sharp” and also shares some about MJ’s life and legacy and the reception of the book. -

    MARSHALL V. KING is a writer and journalist based in Goshen, Indiana.
    For more than twenty years he worked at the Elkhart Truth as a reporter and eventually managing editor. He has written for a number of other publications and has often focused on food, writing a popular column for called Dining A La King for more than 20 years. He is head storyteller for the Community Foundation of Elkhart County and an adjunct professor of communication at Goshen College. He is a 1992 graduate of Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. He and his spouse are members of Assembly Mennonite Church in Goshen.

  • Conflict in Palestine

    May 31st, 2022  |  24 mins 54 secs

    In this penultimate episode of our series on Conflict and War, Palestinian/American Jonathan Brenneman shares on the history of the conflict in Palestine and the witness of the Palestinian Christian church to the world.

  • Episode 111: Conflicto en Palestina

    May 31st, 2022  |  25 mins 52 secs

    En este penúltimo episodio de nuestra serie sobre Conflicto y Guerra, Palestino/Americano Jonathan Brenneman comparte sobre la historia del conflicto en Palestina y del testimonio de la iglesia cristiana Palestina para el mundo.

  • Raphael Edou

    May 10th, 2022  |  38 mins 16 secs

    We continue with our series of conversations focusing on conflicts in different parts of the world. In this interview Raphael Edou shares about the history of Benin and conflicts in the West African area.

    In collaboration with the Deputy Director of the Forest Campaign, Raphael manages the Africa Program at the Environmental Investigation Agency Washington DC , and monitors preparations and implementations of projects in DRC, Nigeria, Gabon, Cameroun, and the Republic of Congo to tackle illegal logging. He works closely with the CITES management authorities of West Africa, and on reform strategies with governments, civil society organizations, and drafts policies-related documents, cultivates and maintains relationships with government officials, industries representatives.

    Before joining EIA, in 2021, he was acting as the Deputy Mayor of the city of Cotonou (Benin), in charge of the Local Climate Action and Partnership, and led the Ministry of Climate Change and Forest as well as the Ministry of the Land Use and Local Governance. He also served as the Executive Director of Bethesda NGO in Benin for 7 years and Director of the Environment Department for 11 years, where he coordinated the national network of 250 civil society organizations in the environment, sanitation, and waste management. Raphael implemented projects supported by the World Bank and the Government of Benin. He has been awarded the Top Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Projects in 2007 in Beijing by the Global Development Network and the Japanese Government. Edou is an alumni of the International Visitor Leadership Program (US Department of State). He has a Master's degree in Agriculture in Benin and in Business Administration at the Quantic School of Business and Technology Washington DC.

  • Episode 110: Raphael Edou

    May 4th, 2022  |  38 mins 56 secs

    Continuamos con nuestra serie de conversaciones enfocando en conflictos en diferentes partes del mundo. En esta entrevista Raphael Edou comparte sobre la historia de Benin y conflictos en la zona de Africa occidental.

  • Walter Sawatsky

    April 27th, 2022  |  50 mins 22 secs

    In this 109th interview and the second in the series focusing on armed conflict, historian and professor Walter Sawatsky shares about his years of study and work in the former Soviet Union and in Ukraine and Russia. Walter reflects on the current war in Ukraine and also on the history of communities of faith in this part of the world.

  • Episode 109: Walter Sawatsky

    April 27th, 2022  |  53 mins 20 secs

    En esta entrevista número 109 y la segunda en la serie enfocando en conflictos armados el historiador y profesor Walter Sawatsky compartes sobre sus años de estudio y trabajo en la ex unión soviética y en Ucrania y Rusia. Walter reflexiona sobre la guerra actual en Ucrania y también sobre la historia de comunidades de fe en este parte del mundo.

    In this 109th interview and the second in the series focusing on armed conflict, historian and professor Walter Sawatsky shares about his years of study and work in the former Soviet Union and in Ukraine and Russia. Walter reflects on the current war in Ukraine and also on the history of communities of faith in this part of the world.

  • Episode 108: Conflicto en Etiopía

    April 18th, 2022  |  30 mins 3 secs

    En esta primer episodio de una nueva serie enfocando en conflictos armados en diferentes partes del mundo Peter conversa con Zenebe Abebe sobre la historia de Etiopia y el conflicto actual en ese país. Zenebe también comparte sobre las iglesias menonitas en Etiopía y cómo anabautistas alrededor del mundo pueden orar y actuar para apoyar a comunidades en su país natal.

    Zenebe Abebe nació y creció en Etiopía. Después de completar la escuela secundaria en la Academia Bíblica en Nazareth, Etiopía. Obtuvo títulos universitarios de Goshen College. Luego obtuvo una maestría de la Universidad del Norte de Illinois y un doctorado de las Universidades del Sur de Illinois.

    La carrera de Zenebe Abebe abarca el campo de la educación superior. Se desempeñó en cuatro colegios/universidades diferentes basadas en la fe como decano, director, vicepresidente y profesor durante un total de 35 años. También se desempeñó como Director Ejecutivo (CEO) del Comité Central Menonita de la Región de los Grandes Lagos durante casi 6 años.

    Zenebe y su esposa Barbara ahora viven en Indianápolis, Indiana y asisten a la Iglesia Menonita Shalom

  • Conflict in Ethiopia

    April 18th, 2022  |  28 mins 1 sec

    In this first episode of a new series focusing on armed conflicts in different parts of the world, Peter talks with Zenebe Abebe about the history of Ethiopia and the current conflict in that country. Zenebe also shares about Mennonite churches in Ethiopia and how Anabaptists around the world can pray and act to support communities in his home country.

    ZENEBE ABEBE was born and raised in Ethiopia. After completing high school at the Bible Academy in Nazareth, Ethiopia. He earned undergraduate degrees from Goshen College. He then went on to earn M.S from Northern Illinois University and a Ph.D. from Southern Illinois Universities.

    Zenebe Abebe’s career encompasses the field of higher education. He served at four different faith-based, nonprofit liberal arts College/Universities as a dean, director, vice president and a professor for a total of 35 years. He also served as Executive Director (CEO) of Mennonite Central Committee of the Great Lakes Region for almost 6 years.

    Zenebe and his wife Barbara, now live in Indianapolis, Indiana and attend Shalom Mennonite Church.

  • Episode 107: Niñez y Cuidado de la Creación

    March 7th, 2022  |  20 mins 25 secs

    Cerramos nuestra serie sobre cuidado de la creación de Dios y Eco-teología conversando con 7 niños y niñas que actualmente residen en Ecuador. Delicia Bravo Aguilar nos ayuda con esta conversación.

  • Episode 106: Fotografía, espiritualidad y el medio ambiente

    February 28th, 2022  |  42 mins 35 secs

    En nuestro episodio #106 conversamos con la fotógrafa y artista visual ecuatoriana Carolina Zambrano quien nos comenta sobre su trabajo y cómo lo utiliza para contar historias desde las comunidades indigenas de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. También nos comparte sobre la espiritualidad y el medio ambiente.

    In our episode #106 we talk with the Ecuadorian photographer and visual artist Carolina Zambrano who tells us about her work and how she uses it to tell stories from the indigenous communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon. She also shares with us about spirituality and the environment.

  • Episode 105: Eco-Espiritualidad

    February 16th, 2022  |  43 mins 7 secs

    En nuestro episodio #105, Neddy Astudillo nos comparte sobre eco-espiritualidad, el cuidado de la creación, alabanza y liturgia.

    In our episode #105, Neddy Astudillo shares with us about eco-spirituality, creation care, worship and liturgy.

  • Episode 104: Acedia y Ecoteología

    January 31st, 2022  |  47 mins 22 secs

    En este episodio, siguiendo con nuestra serie sobre ecoteología, hablamos con el académico y teólogo colombiano Andrés Inampués. Andrés comparte sobre la acedia y la falta de cuidado del medio ambiente. También conversamos sobre las realidades socio-ambientales en Colombia.

    In this episode, continuing our series on ecotheology, we speak with Colombian academic and theologian Andrés Inampués. Andrés shares about acedia and the lack of care for the environment. We also talked about the socio-environmental realities in Colombia.